Tag Archives: commercial

Possible Design Trend for 2009?

2 Feb

My Building in Seattle 🙂

So I’m on my way into work this morning.  My commute consists of about an hour and 45 minutes of driving at the butt crack of dawn to get to downtown  Seattle by 7:15 am.  But honestly, I love it.  it gives me a chance to wake up, to listen to the radio and hear what’s goin on in the world, and to look at all the ads and billboards and things you see as you get into the big city.  As a designer, I can’t help but look at what forms of communication other designers are making public.  But this morning, was a bit unusual.  Seems just about everybody changed their ads this weekend.  And I’m seeing things up for the Seattle Home Show, for insurance agencies etc etc.  One common theme ?? You bet ya.  Old school.  A bit retro.  And definitely “Homey”.

Seattle Home Show Ad

Seattle Home Show Ad

Then on my radio station they were discussing how tame the superbowl has gotten.  Pregame shows, Half times, the commercials… Now let me add something – i didn’t watch any of it this year – was sicker than a dog.   So… based on my radio station, the superbowl has gone Disney.  They were saying it was a lack of general creativity. … but perhaps the graphic designers, and advertisers are on a different kick.  With the american economy doing what it’s doing, perhaps it’s trying to bring back a bit of nostalgia- the good ol days.  I will be paying close attention to whether this really becomes a trend.. I think it will be interesting

It’s 2008

2 Jan

I hope you all had wonderful new year celebrations!

Well, it’s back to the grind. I’ve got more work than i know what to do with right now lol. I’m so glad it’s a new year.. it’s a great time to make some resolutions and start fresh.

What goals do you have for the new year?

Mine are:
1. get the JW redesign LIVE (finally) lol
2. last year we tripled our business, i’d like to stay on a nice steady path of growth this year too…although i plan on tightening up the ship a little.
3. Attend a comicon – this would be a first for me, but i’m really fascinated by this industry.
4. Produce JW’s FIRST commercial – yes that will happen this year, although it’s not a commercial for JW, it’s a commercial for one of our clients, but the script we’ve done is FANTASTIC and I just can’t wait to see it all come together.
5. Finally secure a nice office space.

There’s mine!… Your turn!

