Tag Archives: design

In for some exciting things… i hope.

26 Jun

Innovation definition with magnifying glass

What is it about the design career that has people job hopping as much as we do?  Is it the volatile and risky side of working in a field like innovation?

In January, I had an amazing opportunity to go and work with IDEO.  For those of you who don’t know who they are – they are one of the top dogs in the design and innovation industry.  And let me tell you – was VERY eye opening for a LOT of reasons. Continue reading

Well – I got it…

30 Aug

Now I’m just waiting for the actual offer to come through.  Guess I didn’t bomb the interview like I thought I did.  Mind you – there were 7 interviews plus a group portfolio review, so maybe, even though I forgot to say those things (look at previous post), it still must have shined through.  Now fingers crossed that the offer comes swiftly and is a good one.  🙂

So what have you all been up to lately?  Any cool projects you’re working on (either professionally or on the side)?

I had a neat opportunity yesterday to be a guest speaker/guest teacher for a design college here in Seattle.  Had a blast, as I typically do when I get the opportunity to work with students.  But it led me to think about a few things.  Continue reading

The things I wish I’d said…

9 Aug

To the exec who will never read this…The things I wish I’d said…

I am passionate about design.  To the point of obsession.  It’s not a job, it’s a way of life.  Ok, maybe that’s a little extreme, but I can’t look at anything and NOT think about it’s design.  How it functions, how it’s made, how it’s used.  I specialize in analyzing the complex and breaking it down to make it simple (ok – maybe not always simple – but MANAGEABLE at the very minimum).  I like to watch a good design experience change and morph as ideas are contributed and erroneous functions stripped, and then to pick the design apart and test to see if/when and where it breaks.

I LOVE working with a team.  I love pushing a team to be inspired, motivated, driven to explore new ways to improve upon everyday things.  I like to work with the group and  I love the challenges that come into play when you interact with larger teams.  There’s something compelling about the mix of creativity, humor (sick and twisted jokes tend to be in abundance), stubborn-ness (what is it about creatives that makes them this way??), add in a few egos, a pinch of politics, sprinkled with a healthy dose of project deadlines and non-creatives who like to add things to the frying pan.  🙂 For whatever reason, this is the environment in which I thrive. 

I have so many new ideas of ways to improve the overall efficiency of the team, Ways to show the rest of the company that the design team is an asset, that if utilized, could change the way people perceive the company at large, as well as improve the experience people have with every public facing interaction that we deploy. 


Would have been great if I’d said all of that.  BUT… I didn’t.  Totally bombed it.  Ugh.  Ok maybe BOMB isn’t the right word for it – but I have this horrible nagging feeling that I screwed up.  Sometimes, interviews just suck. 

Some AWESOME tutorials

12 Dec

Paint a portrait in 30 steps – http://acidlullaby.deviantart.com/art/Portrait-Painting-Tutorial-22707443

How to paint eyes – http://acidlullaby.deviantart.com/art/How-to-paint-eyes-21817387

Hanagumori – http://dianae.deviantart.com/art/Digital-Painting-Tutorial-74468761

Realistic Painting – http://alexiuss.deviantart.com/art/Photoshop-Painting-Tutorial-2-115791296

How does a whole month slip by so fast?

29 Apr

Been busy this month.  I’ve completed a new booth design for the company I work for full time now.  Along with a complete set of new collateral and brochures.  I’ve done some work with HR to “decorate” the offices a bit more than your typical standard office posters and artwork.  Going to have to grab the camera and take some pictures when it’s all done.  I’ve built about 6 microsites and designed about 12 others that haven’t launched yet for some pretty big name clients which is always a bit of an honor.  Still waiting for the new machine at work – hoping end of the week that I’ll get it from the IT guys.  Also currently studying up on some new techniques for building some really complex flash demos.  It’s exciting work actually – ground breaking in that I’m trying to do something a bit different than your standard demo.

On a personal note – i also managed to get a bit further in a comic i’m working on – 🙂 which in my book is ALWAYS a good thing.  Progress!

Things i’ve learned in the last month:  Corporations never really change.  Why I thought 5 years would improve things is beyond me.  But at least i know i’m strong enough to handle that world.  If only I could get through to these people that I’m not a button pusher, i’m an artist with valuable marketing and business experience and valid ideas. 🙂  They’re slowly coming around, so we’ll see.

Oh.. and I’m expecting my second child.  🙂  I’ve also learned that i’m not one of those women who enjoy being pregnant.  Instead of that beautiful rosy glow that some pregnant women get – i’ve discovered my glow is mostly pea green.  We’re due on November 20th and the hubby is just beside himself he’s so giddy.  It’s quite funny.

Well must get back to work.  But wanted to check in with everyone and see how life was going.

Talk to you all later!



Inspiration Friday and the end to a long week

13 Mar


This week has been strange, my department moved to a new building about a block from the old one.  Here’s a view from the 13th floor I found online 🙂 I’m up on the 18th floor so i can see a bit further than this but it’s the exact buildings I get to look at from the windows.

Since it’s friday – i figured I should post up some inspiration for everyone.  🙂  Funny how I look forward to posting these as much as some of you look forward to recieving them.  And always – it’s nice to recognize talent 🙂

simplicity by bella elizabetta

simplicity by bella elizabetta

helvetica poster

helvetica poster




Web Interface Design

Web Interface Design


Possible Design Trend for 2009?

2 Feb

My Building in Seattle 🙂

So I’m on my way into work this morning.  My commute consists of about an hour and 45 minutes of driving at the butt crack of dawn to get to downtown  Seattle by 7:15 am.  But honestly, I love it.  it gives me a chance to wake up, to listen to the radio and hear what’s goin on in the world, and to look at all the ads and billboards and things you see as you get into the big city.  As a designer, I can’t help but look at what forms of communication other designers are making public.  But this morning, was a bit unusual.  Seems just about everybody changed their ads this weekend.  And I’m seeing things up for the Seattle Home Show, for insurance agencies etc etc.  One common theme ?? You bet ya.  Old school.  A bit retro.  And definitely “Homey”.

Seattle Home Show Ad

Seattle Home Show Ad

Then on my radio station they were discussing how tame the superbowl has gotten.  Pregame shows, Half times, the commercials… Now let me add something – i didn’t watch any of it this year – was sicker than a dog.   So… based on my radio station, the superbowl has gone Disney.  They were saying it was a lack of general creativity. … but perhaps the graphic designers, and advertisers are on a different kick.  With the american economy doing what it’s doing, perhaps it’s trying to bring back a bit of nostalgia- the good ol days.  I will be paying close attention to whether this really becomes a trend.. I think it will be interesting

(Yet another) Tribute to Typography

28 Jan
Beautiful Typography Poster by Mibi

Beautiful Typography Poster by Mibi

Typography CD Covers by Punktlos

Typography CD Covers by Punktlos

Tutorials Everywhere….

28 Jan

CDisco Ball Adobe Illustrator Tutorial

Disco Ball Adobe Illustrator Tutorial

Learn how to create these awesome Heart Icons

Learn how to create these awesome Heart Icons

Challenge yourself and your creativity with this Illustrator tutorial

Challenge yourself and your creativity with this Illustrator tutorial

grungy polaroid tutorial for Adobe Photoshop

grungy polaroid tutorial for Adobe Photoshop

Use this tutorial to learn how to create rain drops in Photoshop

Use this tutorial to learn how to create rain drops in Photoshop

Business Cards : The good, the bad, and the ugly

24 Jan


I’ve attended many local trade show for homeowners. I enjoy collecting business cards when I’m there – not necessarily because I’m going to use these companies for their services, but because they can make great inspiration as to what works and what doesn’t with a business card.  I think i’ve got over 2000 that i’ve collected over the years that stood out to me, and have used them in presentations and seminars to show some real life examples of what makes a successful card.  Looking through them, I notice that the majority of them weren’t the greatest cards. So many people have a hard time selling their products or their services to people. Why on earth would you short change yourself by having poorly made or outdated cards to hand out? Give yourself the added confidence when representing your business by making sure that you don’t commit any business card design
[keep reading »]
faux pas.

1. you’re at the end of a stack and you’ve changed your phone number or address… so you cross out the old information and write over the top. (see bottom left)… no no no…. bad idea. I know it’s quick and simple for you… but later, this comes across as sloppy, unprepared and unprofessional. If something changes, so should your card. Period.

2. Overfilling your card(see top left)… ok yea, name, address, phone, website, email address… those are certainly important. But stick with ONE logo and make sure you don’t overfill your card with either information or graphics that are unnecessary. The point of a card is to give information in a clear, clean, short but sweet message.

3. Colors (see top right) – colors are great, but be careful. Not only will you up the printing costs, but if you clash as well as these guys, you’re not doing yourself or your profits any favors. Stick to two, maybe 3 colors when printing… unless you include a well thought out photo (do not stretch, do not pixelate). Also keep in mind that by adding color, you’re giving your card a better chance at being noticed.

4. Cost – going for the cheapest you can find. Yea when you’re starting a business, you try to keep costs down. But this is something you’re giving to a client. It is a direct extension of who you are and what you’re business can do for them. If you give out a flimsy card with a poor design, what are you saying about your business? Paper quality, gloss, even specialty cuts are the added things that will cost money, but are definitely worth it. They help your card stick out among the others.

A business card is your business’s identity… if it’s bland, boring, or poorly designed you end up losing the appeal and therefore losing a sale. A business has a personality, a feel to it, and your identity should reflect that.

Now does that mean to go and make the snazziest best design EVER?!  no – not exactly – you can certainly overdo it.  And an overly designed card can backfire just as bad as a poorly designed one.  Keep your audience in mind – what will attract THEM?

Being interviewed by students…

20 Jan

So last year I got a call from the Seattle Art Institute asking if I’d be willing to allow 8-10 students to come and “interview” me for a large assignment they had.  They had to find 3 professional designers and interview them about what it’s like in the real world.  We met up at a diner and had breakfast food and I gave them the low down and dirty on the industry, what to expect, some of the challenges we face as creatives etc etc.  I also got the pleasure of seeing these student’s portfolios and it was an all around 3 hours of absolute bliss.

Well – this year they contacted me again and said that they wanted me to do it again.  Well it’s happening today – only this year rather than meeting at a diner, i’m letting them come down to the agency’s studio.  I’ve lined up one of our best HR recruiters whos’ going to talk to them about what they need (from her perspective) to land a job after they graduate, she’s going to go through their resumes, then we’re going to get to their questions and interview, then have a little lunch and then i’ll go through their portfolios.

I’m really looking forward to it this year, as last year it gave me such a motivational boost for many months following.  To get to see these kids who are so fresh, they haven’t been burned by clients, they haven’t been tapped , they’re still so innocent, it was absolutely refreshing; and a lot of fun to get to see fresh talent.

I’ve got work to do before they get here, so I better cut this short.  Hope you all have a fantastic Friday!


How to establish Business Credit

5 Jan
How to Establish Business Credit

How to Establish Business Credit

Establishing Business Credit

Establishing business credit is tough, especially for a new business. But remember: It CAN be done, and it’s easier than you think. Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way to an excellent credit profile.

Here is what I have learned:

~Set up a Corp business. Smart to protect yourself and the only type of business that allows you to keep your business credit and personal credit seperate. LLCs and Sole are okay for contract work or property investment, but you still should get a Corp to manage them.

~Once you get your EIN, through registrastion, set up your business phone. You will need to make sure it is at an address not the same as your home (because it is not looked upon favorably by the lending world) and the phone will need to be registered in the 411 directory. Quite a few have had success with calling the local phone company and getting a call forwarding number. It is a business number that automatically forwards to any desired phone. Make sure it will list with 411 before signing up however.

~After receiving your first phone bill, go to http://www.staples.com and fax in copy of application along with copy of phone bill to apply for business credit. Use professional letterhead for coversheet. You should receive the standard $750 credit line with no personal guarentee (herein referred to as “PG”).

~Also during this time go to http://www.dnb.com and register your business to receive a D&B number. It will take 30-40 days to receive it in the mail. If you want to establish business credit sooner, you can pay for the credit builder ($399), but it’s not required. After you have at least 5 business accounts reporting, you’ll receive a paydex rating (similiar to FICO for personal credit).

*REMEMBER – a paydex score will only take into account your payment history. Unlike personal credit, this is counted in days. For example, if you pay your invoices 14 days late, it will be reported as such. If you pay your account off before the statement or invoice comes, it will be reported as such. The bottom line: Pay your invoices on time, and you will get a better paydex score.

~Set up the following business accounts, and make at least one purchase, you want to pay this off BEFORE the first statement hits:

*1. UPS – http://www.ups.com

2. FedEx CONTACT Revenue Services Department 1-800-622-1147 press 4 then 1

3. Barnes & Noble CONTACT Purchase order department 1-212-414-6000

4. Quill Corporation 100 So Schelter Lincolnshire, IL 60069 CONTACT Credit Department 1-8…

*5. Viking 8200 East 32nd St No. Wichitas, KS 67226 CONTACT Credit Department 1-8…

6. Rapid Forms 301 Grove Rd Thorofare, NJ 08086 CONTACT Billing Departement 1-80…

*7. Nebs – http://www.nebs.com

*11. Office Depot http://www.officedepot.com Apply online

(*- Really easy to get)

~Need a cell phone? Once you have a EIN and D&B# apply for a business account. Usually T-Mobile is the easiest to get credit with, but I’ve heard that Sprint, cingular, and Verizon are easy to get as well. Nextel? Good phone, but you have to jump through a lot of hoops, and you usually have to put down a deposit.

~If you have at least 30-45 days to use, the following companies automatically report to D&B creating your business file:






-Office Depot

~Once you have a paydex score of 75+, you can apply for Lines of Credit (herein referred to as “LOC”) or business Credit Cards without any sort of PG. The cards/accounts desired are:

Enterprise Rent a Car (Corp. Rental) http://www.enterprise.com

Wells Fargo Bank (Visa/Mastercard) http://www.wellsfargo.com

Bank of America (Visa) http://www.bankofamerica.com

American Express (Green/Gold) http://www.americanexpress.com

Chevron http://www.chevron.com

Mobil http://www.mobil.com

MBNA Bank http://www.mbna.com

Wells Fargo (Line of Credit) http://www.wellsfargo.com

Bank of America (Line of Credit) http://www.bankofamerica.com

Union Bank (Line of Credit) http://www.unionbank.com

Cal Fed http://www.calfed.com

United California Bank http://www.unitedcalbank.com

Most companies will not ask to see financials for loans of 50k or less.

I hope this helps, and I wish the best of luck to you in your pursuit of credit

Best Buy – Status; 1-800-811-7276
Borders (734) 477-1039 – Fax Application (877) 254-9229 – Status Update
BP/Amoco Status Update (800)365-6204
Chevron/Texaco Business Card Status Update (888) 243-8358
Citgo Fleet; (734) 477-1039 – Fax Application (877) 254-9229 – Status Update
Citi AA: 888-662-7759
Citibank Status:800-645-7240, 800-288-4653, 800-750-7453
Conoco – Status Line, automated 1-866-289-5622
Experian Business:888-211-0728
ExxonMobil Business Card(800) 903-9966
HD Commercial800-685-6691
HDMC Sondee 877-969-9030.
Home Depot MC:877-969-9039 (Sondee/Sedonia?)
Key Bank:800-254-2737
Lowes – Status; 1-800-445-6937
Lowes – Underwriter;1-866-232-7443
Lowes Fraud/UW: 800-444-1408
MBNA – 1-800-673-1044
Meijers MC (801) 517-5560
Office Depot – Staus Line, automated 1-800-767-1358
Office Depot;800-767-1358, 800-729-7744 automated line to check status.
Office Max – Status Line, atomated 1-800-283-7674
OFFICEMAX STATUS: (800) 283-7674
Philips 66: 866-289-5630, 800-610-1961
Phillips 801-779-7369
Radio Shack;1-800-442-7221
Sam’s UW:800-301-5546, 866-246-4282
Sears – Status; 1-800-599-9710
Shell Fleet Card Status Update(800) 223-3296
Shell: 800-223-3296, 866-438-7435
Shell; 800-377-5150
Staples – Status Line, automated 1-800-767-1275
Staples: 800-767-1291, 800-282-5316
Sunoco Corporate Card(800) 935-3387,(800) 278-6626
Sunoco: 800-310-4773
Target: 800-440-5317
Walmart;800-301-5546, underwriting 877-294-7548
Wright Express; 888-743-3893

These links will take you to the application page, or a page that has the application link on it.
• Amazon.com – http://www.amazon.com
• Best Buy – http://www.bestbuy.comhttp://www.bestbuybusiness.com
• Citgo Fleet – http://www.citgo.com
• Conoco / Phillips 66 / 76 – http://www.conoco.com
• Dell Computers – http://www.dell.com
• FedEx / Kinkos – http://www.fedexkinkos.com
• Home Depot – http://www.homedepot.com
• HD Expo – http://www.expo.com
• Home Depot Master Card – http://www.homedepot.com
• Lowes Commercial – http://www.lowes.com
• Nebs.com – http://www.nebs.com
• Office Depot – http://www.officedepot.com
• Office Max – http://www.officemax.com
• Quill.com – http://www.quill.com
• Rapid Fuel – http://www.rapidfuel.com
• Shell Fleet – http://www.shell.com
• Staples – http://www.staples.com
• Sunoco Corporate – http://www.sunoco.com
• TechDepot – http://www.tectdepot.com
• TigerDirect – http://www.tigerdirect.com
• Uline – http://www.uline.com
• Wright Express – http://www.wrightexpress.com

It’s a thursday..

30 Oct


well.. it’s not friday.. and it’s not wednesday.. it’s that weird day in between known as Thursday.  So what do I have on my plate today?  Actually I have a nice quiet lull right now and i’m enjoying it.  Yesterday was so hectic between designing flash banners, designing one sheets and spec sheets, html emails, power point presentations (yuck – are there ANY designers out there who enjoy this task?) and spending hours in meetings… so i’m REALLY enjoying this quiet bliss before what will no doubt be yet another stormy day.  I spent a little time this morning decorating my cubicle for Halloween.  The office has a Halloween Party every year… along with a cublicle decorating contest, a pumpkin carving contest and a costume contest.

My cube is now covered in spidery cobwebs, flameless candles that flicker happily and of course the halloween candy dish full of caramel apple candy corn, and orange candy pumpkins, And what’s really great, I spent under $7.  Not that i’m being cheap but I’m not the type to decorate for halloween.

But what has really surprised me with all this halloween decorating nonsense.. is how much it’s lifted my mood already today.  I wasn’t expecting that!!  lol I’m not exactly a halloween lover.  So there.. I admitted it.  I decorated my office for halloween and ENJOYED IT!  hehe.

Well i better get back to it.. but to all of you stuck in a cubicle.. do yourself a favor.  DECORATE!  It might just make you smile!

Oh.. and the picture up top.. done by Hockmen : http://hockmen.deviantart.com/art/Halloween-24392073

It’s that time again… inspiring Typography

3 Sep

Well, it’s been a while, and I love doing these… giving artists some recognition for the beauty they’ve bestowed upon us all… ok yea i’m feeling poetic today.

So let’s get down to it!!

This one is titled “I love you” by BeJay

Beautiful Typography Display

Beautiful Typography Display


Ok this one is by Akakost and it’s titled what else?  Anakost.  It’s absolutely GORGEOUS tho.

And last for today, but certainly NOT least….

This one is titled Typography and is by grafikcanavari



Calling all Designers & Web Designers

8 Aug

The Survey, 2008


Calling all designers, developers, information architects, project managers, writers, editors, marketers, and everyone else who makes websites. It is time once again to pool our information so as to begin sketching a true picture of the way our profession is practiced worldwide.

Possibly the most important invention of the past century, the web is undeniably one of the most robust engines of knowledge transfer, political and social change, artistic endeavor, and economic growth the world has seen.

Remove the web, and billions in trade disappear. Websites enable people who can’t walk to run to the store. They bring knowledge and freedom of thought to places where such things are scarce; make every person with a connection a citizen of the world; and allow every citizen to be heard.

Yet nobody bothered to conduct a serious inquiry into the working conditions of people who make websites until A List Apart launched its first survey in 2007.

Last year nearly 33,000 of you took the survey, enabling us to begin figuring out what kinds of job titles, salaries, and work situations are common in our field.

The responses to last year’s survey began teaching the world about the previously invisible profession powering its information economy. The responses also taught us what we did wrong in constructing the survey.

This year’s survey corrects many of last year’s mistakes, with more detailed and numerous questions for freelance contractors and owners of (or partners in) small web businesses. There are also better international categories, and many other improvements recommended by those who took the survey last year.

As we did last year, we will analyze this year’s data and publish the results for all to see in an upcoming issue of A List Apart. We will also, as we did last year, provide an “anonymized” version of the raw data, so that the highly motivated among you can do your own number crunching.

Enough talk! Please take the survey and encourage your friends and colleagues who make websites to do likewise. The world is watching.


70 Expert Ideas for Better CSS Coding on the Web

7 Aug
Picture of a computer mouse

Picture of a computer mouse

Found this today on Smashing Magazine’s Blog and wanted to share. It’s an excellent resource for those who work with CSS coding on the web. Even just picking up one or two good habits can really affect how your code comes across and what how compliant you are overall. Perfect for us web designers.

Click here for PDF: 70-expert-ideas

The value in learning how to recieve a critique…

29 May


As a designer, and an artist, I get asked all the time to critique other people’s work.  I enjoy doing it.  But the one thing I have learned over the years… if you ask someone for a critique.. do yourself a favor and ACTUALLY listen to what they have to say.  Now that doesn’t mean that a critique should be taken as gold… it is an opinion.  The best way to handle critiques.. listen, don’t argue and don’t offer excuses.  Thank the person who’s advice you were given and go home or take a break and filter through it.  If they offered you 5 things to fix.. that doesn’t mean you need to fix all 5 things, but you should at least TRY to consider 1 or two..especially if you’re hearing the same critiques from multiple people.

I can’t tell you the amount of times i’ve had people offer excuses, arguments etc etc.  Now of course there is a fine line to this… as artists, we all have our own style, and maybe the person who’s just critiqued you doesn’t have the same style or taste as your own.  So keep that in mind.  When you’re looking for someone to critique your work, make sure to look at their own work, figure out what styles they like.  I am not a pink fan.. so anyone coming to me with a pink project they want critiqued will probably get less enthusiasm than if it were another color.

I hope you all have been healthy, happy and well…. will probably post up some of our latest works in a little bit.

Have a good one!

JW Design Center

Standing on a cliff… sink or swim time

11 Apr

What a week… there’s been the discussion of a LOT of changes. Our “beloved Christopher” the director of operations for JW is joining the military. And while i won’t get into all those details here, let’s just say this means a lot of change for me and JW. 🙂 It’s all good change tho, and i’m looking forward to once again holding the reins so to speak. I got a nice break and I’m getting myself ramped up to take business to the next plateau. While doing that however, I’m also going to be busting through a new door. I’ve been offered a couple of commission comic jobs for a couple of different fun projects. And my debate ended a couple of days ago when I accepted them. 🙂 I’m not entirely sure how i’ll juggle it all, but i’m looking forward to giving it my all. I suppose one thing that is keeping me from stressing about it is that i’ll finally be able to act the way my title describes. I’m the creative director, and for a long time, i’ve also been the sole designer behind the designs for my firm. We’ve used other designers here and there, where i’ve directed as needed. But I’m looking forward to being able to direct the creativity, and letting someone else create it. LOL. Maybe that makes me sound odd.. i don’t know.

I remember when i first started JW. It felt like I was standing on a cliff and I could either dive in or turn away. And once I got in.. it was sink or swim. Now essentially all business is that way all the time, but the newness behind it was scary and intimidating. That’s how I feel right now with the comic industry. Graphic design, web design, heck business… I’m cool and confident. But this industry is a whole new world for me.

I’m also looking forward to finally having the chance to work on Creative Fusion Pro. My baby project that has grown over the last 3 years into something ENORMOUS. And due to it’s size, it’s been on the back burner long enough. It’s exciting.

Well that’s enough from me, i need to go back to work before I go home.. but to all of you who are in the position where you feel like you’re standing on a cliff… i’ve been there, and i’m looking forward to leaping you should too.


I’m not in a rut.. really i’m not…

26 Mar

170221_2837_writing.jpg   Ok, so the title of this thread is true.. i’m not in a rut.  But I AM stumped on a project.  I’ve been bustin out work left and right all week but this ONE site.. has me stumped.

But all of that got me thinking about the process..or at least my process for design.  I don’t know that I could do the whole in house thing anymore.  I’ll get a brief for a project and draft up some initial thoughts, brainstorm some goals or feelings or thoughts… and then procrastinate for a few hours.  I have to let everything percolate.  But sometimes it seems that certain projects just take trial and error .. i’ll do 3 or 4 concepts and still see just a bunch of hooey… then slack for another hour and suddenly get it together.  What’s YOUR method?  🙂  Do you design and brainstorm on the computer or with pencil and paper?  Do you play video games and slack for inspiration or do you just jump in and get your hands dirty? 🙂

Let’s hear about how you get started?

