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Well – I got it…

30 Aug

Now I’m just waiting for the actual offer to come through.  Guess I didn’t bomb the interview like I thought I did.  Mind you – there were 7 interviews plus a group portfolio review, so maybe, even though I forgot to say those things (look at previous post), it still must have shined through.  Now fingers crossed that the offer comes swiftly and is a good one.  🙂

So what have you all been up to lately?  Any cool projects you’re working on (either professionally or on the side)?

I had a neat opportunity yesterday to be a guest speaker/guest teacher for a design college here in Seattle.  Had a blast, as I typically do when I get the opportunity to work with students.  But it led me to think about a few things.  Continue reading

An amazing day…

26 Aug

So I’ve been carrying that torch for a week now.  Yep, been boss officially for a week.  Weird.  I don’t like the word boss but whatever.  It’s been an odd, stressful, wonderful week (so far), I know there is still one day left.

Today one of my contractors had a satisfied look on his face and I asked him how things were going.  He said “Great!” and then proceeded to tell me that the team felt different, but in a good way.  Our boss was a fantastic boss, and although we miss him and his friendship, he said the team was hunkering down and making serious progress.  That things were more organized, and we were working better as a team.  We’ve been scheduling in brainstorming sessions and taking some time to prepare as a team (when possible) for reviews.  Later, another team mate spoke up and shared similar sentiments.  And it’s true.  We’re creating some shared systems to help make our team more efficient and collaborating more.  It’s a really good feeling.

To be honest, I was a little nervous about all of this.  I knew I could do the work, and I’ve been in management roles before.  This one is/was different.  It’s one I truly care about, one I really want.  Being a manager on this team, this size of a team, on project that’s challenging and inspiring and fun.  But I find myself, a week in, finding a comfort I didn’t think I’d find.  As if the role was perfect for me all along.  Oh sure, there’s things I’m still trying to figure out – the hiring computer system is odd, and I have yet to figure out who to talk to about getting one of my contractor’s a laptop… but these things are small things that i’ll figure out and all will continue to be well.

Have you ever felt that way?  Been given the opportunity to truly challenge yourself and step up to a new role and be both terrified and excited all at the same time?  Did it turn out the way you’d hoped in the end?

Next week is sure to be an interesting one.  Lots of design work to do.  Some new UI and UX design to consider.  Things to plan and things to learn.  I might even get to work with a little typography if i’m lucky.  I hired a new guy and he starts on Monday.  So there will sure to be a lot of password issues, computer set ups and the like.  But he’s got a lot of skill, and his personality was a treat in his interview.  He even giggled! 😀  So I’m sure the rest of us will enjoy getting to know him and getting him up to speed.

Well, I’m done for the night, I hope all of you out there will enjoy your night!

The passing of the torch… sorta

19 Aug

Today is going to be a very busy, very interesting day.  It’s 7am and I’m here sitting in my office looking over my calendar for the day.  It’s bursting at the seams.  I have 7 meetings today.  And although I’m sure they’ll be very interesting, they are not the reason my day will be so interesting.  Today, I will lose 2 of my coworkers.  These 2 people have been my friends and mentors.  They are still going to be at the company, but they are moving to a different department to work on a different set of projects and will be on the other side of campus.  One of those coworkers happens to also be my boss.  Although him and I don’t have a boss/employee relationship.  I wracked my brains to figure out what I could possibly give him to remember me by.  I ended up buying him a gift set of 3 of his favorite whiskeys.  I’m sure I looked like quite the Lush walking into work this morning.  How funny that is, as it’s so far from the truth.  I’m sad to see these two go.  They have given me guidance and advice, they’ve allowed me to come in and shut the door to vent about anything, they’ve given me the ability to laugh at my mistakes and they’ve pushed me to think differently or take a product to a whole new level.  They’ve trusted me when I didn’t even trust myself.  To Jason and Keri – I wish you the very best of luck at your new jobs.  You will be missed!

Come monday morning, I will be taking over my bosses place and be the leader of my team.  Part of me is very excited to be given the opportunity to step up the ladder a bit further, but there is also a part of me that is nervous.  I know I’m damn good at my job.  Graphic Design and UX Design is a passion.  That’s never been much of a worry for me, but leading people is a whole new ball of wax.  Not to mention, now I not only have to continue to do my job, but I also get to do his.  I’ve done management before, and found I was good at it.  I just hope I can still say that in a few weeks when I’m in the full swing of things.

So as I start a new journey into the world of management, I thought i’d share it with you all.  🙂

Happy Friday!!



Been a while.. thought i’d update

24 Jun

So here’s my update.  I’ve been caught up in a whirlwind of activity as of late.  I received an offer to be a judge for a pretty prestigious online design award group (  It’s something I’ll do in my spare time and i’m pretty excited to do it.  A week after I accepted the position, I received an job offer from a Software/Computer Giant in Redmond, WA for a position that.. well… I just couldn’t refuse.  We’re talking DREAM job.  So I gave my two week notice to the ad agency where I worked and 3 weeks later – here I am.  So far – it’s been amazing.

We had a minor setback with Creative Fusion Pro.  We hired someone to work on it with us and they accidentally deleted some things in the server, namely a few databases.  Soooooo… we’re on it – learning a few new lessons as we go – but it’s been frustrating to have those kinds of set backs.  However, I CAN say that the set back had an alternate effect.  Because of it, we decided to take a look at the overall structure of the design and launch schedule.  Rather than trying to push everything out and then go back and fix as we originally intended, we’re going to fix the bugs and clean the slate.  In the long run – I think it will be better.  We’re going to launch the CMS system (for those curious – we’ll be using Expression Engine), and then we’ll be launching the stores (Multi Store Magento) etc etc… hey I can’t give away ALL our secrets 🙂

I hope everyone is doing well – for those of you who know me and talk to me on skype – send me a hi and hello!  It’s a bit uncomfortable starting a new job, you get a bit lonely at times for a friendly familiar face, so a hi and hello from a friend I recognize would be wonderful!

And to anyone else…. Hi and hello.. I look forward to getting to know you and discussing design, development, type, photography, art, theory… whatever our passions drive us to discuss in further detail.

– Jen Walter

How does a whole month slip by so fast?

29 Apr

Been busy this month.  I’ve completed a new booth design for the company I work for full time now.  Along with a complete set of new collateral and brochures.  I’ve done some work with HR to “decorate” the offices a bit more than your typical standard office posters and artwork.  Going to have to grab the camera and take some pictures when it’s all done.  I’ve built about 6 microsites and designed about 12 others that haven’t launched yet for some pretty big name clients which is always a bit of an honor.  Still waiting for the new machine at work – hoping end of the week that I’ll get it from the IT guys.  Also currently studying up on some new techniques for building some really complex flash demos.  It’s exciting work actually – ground breaking in that I’m trying to do something a bit different than your standard demo.

On a personal note – i also managed to get a bit further in a comic i’m working on – 🙂 which in my book is ALWAYS a good thing.  Progress!

Things i’ve learned in the last month:  Corporations never really change.  Why I thought 5 years would improve things is beyond me.  But at least i know i’m strong enough to handle that world.  If only I could get through to these people that I’m not a button pusher, i’m an artist with valuable marketing and business experience and valid ideas. 🙂  They’re slowly coming around, so we’ll see.

Oh.. and I’m expecting my second child.  🙂  I’ve also learned that i’m not one of those women who enjoy being pregnant.  Instead of that beautiful rosy glow that some pregnant women get – i’ve discovered my glow is mostly pea green.  We’re due on November 20th and the hubby is just beside himself he’s so giddy.  It’s quite funny.

Well must get back to work.  But wanted to check in with everyone and see how life was going.

Talk to you all later!


Inspiration Friday and the end to a long week

13 Mar


This week has been strange, my department moved to a new building about a block from the old one.  Here’s a view from the 13th floor I found online 🙂 I’m up on the 18th floor so i can see a bit further than this but it’s the exact buildings I get to look at from the windows.

Since it’s friday – i figured I should post up some inspiration for everyone.  🙂  Funny how I look forward to posting these as much as some of you look forward to recieving them.  And always – it’s nice to recognize talent 🙂

simplicity by bella elizabetta

simplicity by bella elizabetta

helvetica poster

helvetica poster


Web Interface Design

Web Interface Design

Corporate Graphic Design and Branding Inspiration

29 Jan
In this showcase, you’ll find a variety of unique and highly creative corporate designs. The aim here is to stimulate your creativity and inspire you to push your designs further and see the possibilities that lie within corporate branding.  It’s also to give some recognition to those graphic designers who aren’t in the lime light as much.
Business Card Designs by Rusadrianewald

Business Card Designs by Rusadrianewald

Corporate Identity Package by Dr Devil

Corporate Identity Package by Dr Devil

Corporate Branding Package by Majaero

Corporate Branding Package by Majaero

Corporate Identity Package by f3rk3s

Corporate Identity Package by f3rk3s

Corporate Identity Package by Majaero

Corporate Identity Package by Majaero

Corporate Business Card Design

Corporate Business Card Design

Film in the City Business Cards

Film in the City Business Cards

(Yet another) Tribute to Typography

28 Jan
Beautiful Typography Poster by Mibi

Beautiful Typography Poster by Mibi

Typography CD Covers by Punktlos

Typography CD Covers by Punktlos

Tutorials Everywhere….

28 Jan

CDisco Ball Adobe Illustrator Tutorial

Disco Ball Adobe Illustrator Tutorial

Learn how to create these awesome Heart Icons

Learn how to create these awesome Heart Icons

Challenge yourself and your creativity with this Illustrator tutorial

Challenge yourself and your creativity with this Illustrator tutorial

grungy polaroid tutorial for Adobe Photoshop

grungy polaroid tutorial for Adobe Photoshop

Use this tutorial to learn how to create rain drops in Photoshop

Use this tutorial to learn how to create rain drops in Photoshop

Being interviewed by students…

20 Jan

So last year I got a call from the Seattle Art Institute asking if I’d be willing to allow 8-10 students to come and “interview” me for a large assignment they had.  They had to find 3 professional designers and interview them about what it’s like in the real world.  We met up at a diner and had breakfast food and I gave them the low down and dirty on the industry, what to expect, some of the challenges we face as creatives etc etc.  I also got the pleasure of seeing these student’s portfolios and it was an all around 3 hours of absolute bliss.

Well – this year they contacted me again and said that they wanted me to do it again.  Well it’s happening today – only this year rather than meeting at a diner, i’m letting them come down to the agency’s studio.  I’ve lined up one of our best HR recruiters whos’ going to talk to them about what they need (from her perspective) to land a job after they graduate, she’s going to go through their resumes, then we’re going to get to their questions and interview, then have a little lunch and then i’ll go through their portfolios.

I’m really looking forward to it this year, as last year it gave me such a motivational boost for many months following.  To get to see these kids who are so fresh, they haven’t been burned by clients, they haven’t been tapped , they’re still so innocent, it was absolutely refreshing; and a lot of fun to get to see fresh talent.

I’ve got work to do before they get here, so I better cut this short.  Hope you all have a fantastic Friday!


Design by committee….

11 Dec

Hoo boy what a week i’ve had.  And in all honesty, I think i’m looking more forward to the holidays being over before they’ve even begun.  It dawned on me, I should change the heading to this I’m now no longer JUST a freelance designer, but I’m also now living in the corporate world.  Feels good – nice job security, but it’s definitely taken me some getting used to.  Why does it seem that corporations all seem to design by committee?  I wish I could limit them the way I can limit my clients.  But somehow I have a feeling THAT concept wouldn’t be met with much enthusiasm.  It seems they’re notorious for countless changes, being extremely wishy washy and only after you’ve exhausted just about EVERY concept imaginable – they go back to your original and FINALLY conceed to your judgement.

Well I better get back to work before someone catches me blogging – hehe.  Just wanted to check in and say a quick hi and hello.

* Hiring Guide * What to do when hiring a creative professional?

14 Aug

Saw this on Craigslist yesterday and thought i’d share:

For those of you looking to hire a graphic designer, flash designer, web designer, programmer, or all around artist there are just a few rules of etiquette to remember:

1. People with these skills have put a lot of time and money into learning this craft. Software and equipment to do this type of work is expensive, not to mention the cost of schooling. Many of these people have families to support and think about. Could you make it off of $9 an hour? Have you ever stopped to really consider how much actual work goes into something that seems so simple and seamless? Make sure you offer decent wages for their experience. Do a little research if you need to… find out what other companies your size pay for a similar type of project. ASK the experts you’re trying to hire rather than telling them. And remember, you get what you pay for. Don’t expect to get a replica of ebay for $500.

2. Do not estimate how long you think something should take. If someone says it’s going to take 60 hours to do something, believe it.. don’t argue, unless of course you yourself have the experience or the degree. This isn’t just a point and click profession. It takes thought, and creativity and talent and taste. If you’re getting something custom made or custom programmed, don’t expect it overnight. Bugs happen, glitches come up.. be prepared to adjust your launch dates if necessary.

3. Individual vs. Company. Something to keep in mind in this industry is that there are many many many individuals who present themselves as companies. Why? Because it gives them the ability to market themselves and make a living. If you’re looking for a small company, then say that. But don’t stipulate that they CAN’T be a company unless what you offering is a full or part time in house position.

Doing just these 3 simple things will improve your experience working with a Creative Professional. You’ll find that your hiring process will move a lot more smoothly and you may just find the person you’ve been looking for.

Thanks oh Anonymous Graphic Avenger!

Calling all Designers & Web Designers

8 Aug

The Survey, 2008

Calling all designers, developers, information architects, project managers, writers, editors, marketers, and everyone else who makes websites. It is time once again to pool our information so as to begin sketching a true picture of the way our profession is practiced worldwide.

Possibly the most important invention of the past century, the web is undeniably one of the most robust engines of knowledge transfer, political and social change, artistic endeavor, and economic growth the world has seen.

Remove the web, and billions in trade disappear. Websites enable people who can’t walk to run to the store. They bring knowledge and freedom of thought to places where such things are scarce; make every person with a connection a citizen of the world; and allow every citizen to be heard.

Yet nobody bothered to conduct a serious inquiry into the working conditions of people who make websites until A List Apart launched its first survey in 2007.

Last year nearly 33,000 of you took the survey, enabling us to begin figuring out what kinds of job titles, salaries, and work situations are common in our field.

The responses to last year’s survey began teaching the world about the previously invisible profession powering its information economy. The responses also taught us what we did wrong in constructing the survey.

This year’s survey corrects many of last year’s mistakes, with more detailed and numerous questions for freelance contractors and owners of (or partners in) small web businesses. There are also better international categories, and many other improvements recommended by those who took the survey last year.

As we did last year, we will analyze this year’s data and publish the results for all to see in an upcoming issue of A List Apart. We will also, as we did last year, provide an “anonymized” version of the raw data, so that the highly motivated among you can do your own number crunching.

Enough talk! Please take the survey and encourage your friends and colleagues who make websites to do likewise. The world is watching.

70 Expert Ideas for Better CSS Coding on the Web

7 Aug
Picture of a computer mouse

Picture of a computer mouse

Found this today on Smashing Magazine’s Blog and wanted to share. It’s an excellent resource for those who work with CSS coding on the web. Even just picking up one or two good habits can really affect how your code comes across and what how compliant you are overall. Perfect for us web designers.

Click here for PDF: 70-expert-ideas

Working summers…

29 Jul

Summers are always hard for those of us who work from home. Not just because the sunshine calls to us to leave our dreary desks, but also because we typically have a lot more going on. Vacations, kids activities (if you have children), gardening, etc etc. Last week I took 3 days off to teach an arts and crafts class to kids. I was nervous about it, but let me just say, as an artist, it was probably one of the best things I could have done. Kids have such vivid imaginations. They inspire you with just a thought or an idea. You give them something simple to do and they can make a million ideas that you hadn’t even considered. It was definitely a blessed little treat for me.

Gone Fishing!

Gone Fishing!

Now that it’s finished, I’m busy getting into the grind. We seem to have many programming projects about to start and a few design projects underway. Which is always a good thing, especially with the economy being so unstable right now.

Creative Fusion Pro is under development now and I’m really looking forward to seeing it blossom and bloom before our eyes. The more we delve into it, the more we seem to realize that the software we’re developing for this business has the potential to completely change the industry as we know it. Very exciting to be apart of it, to say the least. And ultimately, I can’t wait to see what it does for the graphic design industry itself.

Well I better get back to work, but I just wanted to stop in and say a quick hi and hello to everyone. Hope you all are doing fine.

Jen Walter
Creative Director

My favorite day…

17 Jul

There’s something about Thursdays. I tend to be very productive.. more than any other day on a thursday. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I know the week is almost over, tomorrow being Friday and all.

Today, so far i’ve managed to get quite a bit done. I finished a pretty large time consuming marketing campaign this morning, managed to keep up on all incoming mail. I’ve sent out 8 estimates so far today. Had a meeting with my programmer and all before 10:30.  And now i’m going to take a little break, grab some soda and a snack and then sit down and wrap up a site (well.. hopefully).

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with someone about our economy. It being what it is, this person was surprised I was managing to not only stay in business but actually be fairly busy with incoming potential work. Honestly, I’m a bit surprised we haven’t felt the crunch too. But never look a gift horse in the mouth right? We HAVE slowed down a bit, but it’s been by choice. We are about 2 maybe 3 months out from releasing a new piece of software that has the potential to change the way our industry runs. It’s exciting, and frustrating (as we just want it to be done). I feel as if we’re in the middle of the eye of a great storm. Even if the idea itself doesn’t make a cent, I look forward to helping shape the industry and make it safer for new designers. I look forward to making a difference.

Well, i better get back to work, but i just wanted to drop in and say a quick hi and hello to everyone.

The value in learning how to recieve a critique…

29 May


As a designer, and an artist, I get asked all the time to critique other people’s work.  I enjoy doing it.  But the one thing I have learned over the years… if you ask someone for a critique.. do yourself a favor and ACTUALLY listen to what they have to say.  Now that doesn’t mean that a critique should be taken as gold… it is an opinion.  The best way to handle critiques.. listen, don’t argue and don’t offer excuses.  Thank the person who’s advice you were given and go home or take a break and filter through it.  If they offered you 5 things to fix.. that doesn’t mean you need to fix all 5 things, but you should at least TRY to consider 1 or two..especially if you’re hearing the same critiques from multiple people.

I can’t tell you the amount of times i’ve had people offer excuses, arguments etc etc.  Now of course there is a fine line to this… as artists, we all have our own style, and maybe the person who’s just critiqued you doesn’t have the same style or taste as your own.  So keep that in mind.  When you’re looking for someone to critique your work, make sure to look at their own work, figure out what styles they like.  I am not a pink fan.. so anyone coming to me with a pink project they want critiqued will probably get less enthusiasm than if it were another color.

I hope you all have been healthy, happy and well…. will probably post up some of our latest works in a little bit.

Have a good one!

JW Design Center

I’m not in a rut.. really i’m not…

26 Mar

170221_2837_writing.jpg   Ok, so the title of this thread is true.. i’m not in a rut.  But I AM stumped on a project.  I’ve been bustin out work left and right all week but this ONE site.. has me stumped.

But all of that got me thinking about the process..or at least my process for design.  I don’t know that I could do the whole in house thing anymore.  I’ll get a brief for a project and draft up some initial thoughts, brainstorm some goals or feelings or thoughts… and then procrastinate for a few hours.  I have to let everything percolate.  But sometimes it seems that certain projects just take trial and error .. i’ll do 3 or 4 concepts and still see just a bunch of hooey… then slack for another hour and suddenly get it together.  What’s YOUR method?  🙂  Do you design and brainstorm on the computer or with pencil and paper?  Do you play video games and slack for inspiration or do you just jump in and get your hands dirty? 🙂

Let’s hear about how you get started?


Back again with the living…

21 Mar

Well, my household and I decided that two weeks ago would be a FINE time to come down with the flu from hell. And when i say from Hell i mean this had to have been the work of something evil and twisted. 🙂 But we’re all on the mend, just the occasional cough. Thank goodness…and now that i’m back again into full swing, i feel justified taking a few minutes out of the day to blog. So how have you all been?!

I’ve discovered a new interest.. ok well it’s not so new.. as you all have seen some of my coloring and comic stuff that i’ve posted here and there. I went to my very first comic book store a few days ago… picked up some witchblade comic books, some tomb raider comic books and some others. Research. The more i look at this world the more i’m interested in learning more about it. Some of the artists who do that kind of work.. wow! Amazing art.

My birthday is coming.. and for me, it’s just another year, and at the same time, i’m feeling the need to do something FUN! With having the flu and being pent up inside and then getting bogged down and behind in work, now that i’m caught up i feel the need to get out, enjoy the sunshine, have a little party for myself or something LOL. Everyone keeps asking me for gift ideas.. and honestly i’m stumped. Everything i want is something i would never ask for. Just not in my nature i guess.

Well… for those of you interested.. here’s some of the work i’ve been up to lately 🙂 enjoy. – weightloss website design – website design clean up and tweaks for grooms – batman comic cover – just playing around – dragon painting – not happy with yet but it’s coming – work in progress of spiderman kissing Kitty.

There’s more but i don’t want to bore everyone 🙂 Hope you have a great friday and a FANTASTIC weekend!


Wednesday Inspiration

27 Feb

354880_86741676.jpgWell… it’s the middle of the week. Time to get out some inspiration to get through what’s left of the week…

Some not as well known artists here.. thought they deserved some recognition…So put on some good tunes, rock out for a few minutes and be inspired!…

Continue reading